Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Who's that in the mirror?

Everytime i pass by a mirror or window i get a little startled by my reflection. How can it be that i dont recognize my own reflection...well because i finally had my hair cut today, and not just a trim or a couple inches, my talking about my hair going from below my butt to above my shoulders, i had 26 inches cut off, 20 inches of it is braided and placed in a ziploc bag on top of my shelf waiting to be mailed to Locks of Love which is where i'm going to donate it so that it can be made into a wig for a young girl to wear one day. So that brings me to face my problem of PROCRASTINATION, which is what i blogged about on my very first blog.  I do not want my hair to stay sitting on top of my shelf, i need to mail it out when do i do goal is tomorrow. All i have to do is go online which i'm already on, get the address for Locks of Love write it down, go to the post office, purchase a padded envelope and put the ziploc bag that contains my 20 inch braid inside the envelope, hand it to the post person, pay the postage and walk out...So tomorrow after my family wakes up and gets ready for the day, i will have my husband take me to the post office before we go anywhere else...then we will do whatever else we need to do and i will come back here and post whether i sent it or not...that is my challenge. Now you may be reading this and think "thats so simple, why is she making such a big issue about going to the post office?" because thats what i do, i put off even the simplest of things, i suffer from procrastination, no matter how big or small the task is, i dont do it. So we'll see what happens tomorrow.


  1. Ok. I'm coming back tomorrow just to check if you managed to do it. I hope you get the time to post about it too. Best of luck!

  2. i get like that too, but i push my self to do my things.
    So, did you mail your hair out?
